At this time, it is somewhat difficult to obtain a relic of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. The Vatican greatly discourages the faithful from obtaining collections of relics. They are intended to be for public veneration. Although it would be considered appropriate to take the relics of a Blessed/Saint to the sick and dying, to comfort them or use the intercession of the Blessed/Saint to ask for healing, this practice should be done with great reverence and dignity and be motivated by faith.
There are no first-class relics available and it is unlikely that there ever will be. An authentic first-class relic is actually a part of the body (usually a tiny bone fragment) of the saint. Because Blessed Pier Giorgio's body was found to be perfectly incorrupt when it was exhumed during the beatification process, no first-class relics were taken.
Second-class relics have been made available on a limited basis. These are objects that have been in close contact with the holy person. Most often, they are an article of clothing or some type of personal item used by the holy person during his lifetime. In the years following Blessed Frassati's death, the vice-postulator of the cause for canonization made holy cards available which contained a very small square of the linens from the bed upon which he died. Each tiny square was sewn onto the bottom left corner of the prayer card with red thread. These prayer cards have had a somewhat limited circulation over the years. Occasionally, one has fallen into the wrong hands and has been sacrilegiously auctioned on the internet. This abuse violates the dignity of the saint whose relics deserve to be properly venerated.
The legitimate acquisition of a second-class relic of Blessed Frassati (like the one pictured here) is possible but the process is lengthy and the relic must be intended for public veneration. Each relic is issued with a certificate of authenticity. A donation is necessary to cover the cost of the round theca and the materials used in the preparation of the relic. Note that neither the Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati nor FrassatiUSA has or distributes these relics.
Free relic holy cards are available here.