"Prayer is the noble supplication which we lift up to the throne of God. It is the most efficient means to obtain from God the graces which we need.” - Pier Giorgio Frassati
Prayer was central to Blessed Pier Giorgio's spirituality. He was often found praying at the foot of his bed. He had rosaries made for his friends and was frequently seen with one in his hand. Once, as he left a church with his rosary in his hand, someone said to him, "So, Pier Giorgio, you have become a religious fanatic?" He calmly answered, "No, I have remained a Christian."
In 1925, he wrote to his friend Isidoro Bonini, "...I would like for us to pledge a pact that knows no earthly boundaries or temporal limits: union in prayer." It was Pier Giorgio's desire that his friends -- including you -- remain united in prayer.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati...pray for us.