Pier Giorgio encouraged his friends to work at being stronger spiritually than physically. When one of them decided to get involved in a frivolous activity, Pier Giorgio wrote to admonish him. "And where is Petronius’ Iron will? That will which becomes Virtue when it results in self-control. And you who were able to stop smoking when you wanted to, you want to give in to the first temptation of some ... man without good sense who doesn’t realize what he is doing organizing performances for the club which ... ruin the studies of young people by making them waste a lot of time." (Petronius was a nickname Pier Giorgio assigned Franz Massetti as a member of the Tipi Loschi.)"I’m asking you to pray for me a little so that God will give me an iron will, that does not bend and does not fail in His projects."
Proverbs 27:17 says, "Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another." We can make each other better and stronger in the spiritual life by giving good example, admonishing each other when we go astray, uplifting each other in prayer. This was why the apostolates of persuasion and good example were so important to Pier Giorgio and why he ultimately created the Tipi Loschi Society."[T]o put certain plans into action one needs an iron will, which I unfortunately don’t have, but instead alas I unfortunately have a will that is used to giving in; so I need prayers because only with them and through them will I be able to obtain from God the Grace to strengthen my will."
To make progress pumping iron in the gym, a good spotter can be invaluable. Not only to help protect from injury but to offer encouraging words and motivation to reach the desired goals. A good spotter has to be strong and is often stronger than the person lifting the weight."I know that I should not have been preaching because I’m unworthy, but believe that I have been compelled by that Love which unites us, which will be for us a bond of enduring friendship."